We are gearing up for State Convention season which means Emblems season for most states! This is typically the case but for the MWA it has been Emblems Season since August of 2017. This year with our Step-Up Challenge from our Area Executive, Chris Hare, I have been tracking online sales for the MWA and let me tell ya, “membership is FIRED UP ABOUT OUR EMBLEMS”!!! You can tell by the sales totals. Thus far each state has online purchases and 3 of our states have sales exceeding $1000. Great job everyone! I have been sending sales updates to the State Emblems chairs and will continue to do so up to National Convention. Each state chair is keeping there membership well informed of any Emblems updates.
We visited on our area conference call that each state needs to have a non-government contact list or alternative. Each state seems to have this available, so membership has been being informed of information that should not be shared through gov email. This has been well received by the states and the chairs are doing a wonderful job keeping their membership informed.
As always there is notification on social media that is helpful in keeping membership apprised of new emblems available or any sales that might be taking place. If you are on social media and not following NASCOE Emblems be sure to check that out.
We are in the process of ordering Emblems to be available at the State Conventions and our Area Rally. We have some exciting designs available. National is working on some things that will hopefully be available by National Convention time.
Membership seems very excited about the Emblems that are available to them. Be sure you check out your Emblems area at your State Convention, so you can “touch and try on” anything you might be eyeing from the online store. Remember if we do not have your size available at the convention you can make your order and it can be shipped to you.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tina Young
MWA Emblems Chair