Membership Report- Post MWA Rally 2018

Post MWA Rally Membership Report

Spring 2018

NASCOE membership is my passion!  Let me explain a little.  I’m currently reading the book, The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren.  It says we should serve in areas we have passion for, granted it is talking about serving God and the church, but I think it also correlates to any organization or position we are serving in.  So I hope by the end of my report you can tell that I am passionate about EVERY employee being a member of NASCOE!

That being said, I’m very excited about a video that is in the works that will be sent to all non-members in the MWA except Missouri because they have been doing their own membership drive.  A big thank you goes out to everyone for getting me your non-member lists so I’m ready to get the video out as soon as its complete!!

But we can’t stop there, I know I’m the MWA membership chair and it’s my job to promote membership, and each state has a membership chair to promote membership in their state, but that isn’t enough.  It takes ALL of us working together and talking to new employees and old ones alike about the benefits of NASCOE membership.  You may be that one person that a new employee has really connected with and would be most open to discussing NASCOE with you as opposed to her CED.  Or the financial situation of a person that has been with the agency for several years has improved so they feel they can afford to be a NASCOE member and are just waiting to be asked.  There may also be employees that have just ‘fallen through the cracks’ where someone thought that someone else had talked to them about becoming a member and no one has said anything to them.  You never know until you try.

I feel we need to show our appreciation for the NASCOE organization by being NASCOE members now more than ever!!  At this time of drafting a new farm bill, FPAC reorganization and all around federal employee uncertainty we need NASCOE more than ever!  And NASCOE needs us!

As of the 2nd quarter dues report, the MWA is at 81% membership which is up 1% from last year.  YAY!!  But wouldn’t it be fantastic to see that at 85 or even 90% by next year?

I would like to mention 2 states that had AMAZING results in the membership area of the Step It Up Challenge, Ohio had a 4% membership increase from October to March and Michigan had 7.62% increase. 

Let’s all talk to one non-member this next week about the things that NASCOE has done for us, such as our pay raises each year, our benefits equal to other federal employees, the shared leave program and so many more.   Any information you may need to discuss the benefits of membership is on the membership page of the NASCOE website at:

Thank you for allowing me to serve at your MWA membership chair.


LeAnn Oltmanns

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