There seems to be a lot of uncertainty right now but one thing for sure is that NASCOE is doing its best to provide benefits that appeal to all members.
Dillard Financial Services is the Exclusive Benefits provider for NASCOE and provides excellent retirement planning seminars and assistance that everyone should take advantage of regardless of the stage of their career.
Information is also available on JM Marketing under the affiliates tab on the NASCOE website. JM Marketing has been providing NASCOE members with excellent insurance policies that help cover expenses associated with dental, long term care, cancer, heart disease and stoke for many years. You should check these policies out and see what may appeal to you.
NASCOE has also been able to obtain discounts and gift cards from several vendors that only NASCOE members can receive. Sam’s club will provide a $10 gift card to members of NASCOE that either signup for the club or renew their membership. Members can also obtain a $10 discount for joining Air Med Care however those interested need to make sure this company covers the area where they live. NASCOE is also working on an association discount with Costco.
One of the most popular benefits is membership to Working Advantage. When a person signs up for Working advantage they need to use the NASCOE ID they to get substantial discounts on anything from movies to trips to Disney theme parks or Broadway shows. You can obtain the NASCOE ID from your State benefits chair or President once they verify your membership.
Check out the NASCOE website for more detailed information on all the benefits available to members.
I am always looking for new benefits that NASCOE members are interested in but may not be available through NASCOE at this time. If you are interested in a new benefit let me know and I will see if we can put something together.
I wish you all the best and much success in the upcoming year. Please keep in touch and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve,
Jon Williams
MWA Benefits Chair